About the author

Who am I?

I am simply Maty, listening to my heart and happily venturing into the unknown, where I discover and overcome myself. My life steps led in different directions, but I always tried to enjoy them as much as I could. I have been involved in music since I was a child, and I have released five albums with my two rock bands as a keyboardist. For almost twenty years I have been a part of a vocal group as a bass voice, where I also have the role of a beatboxer.

The strong passion for freeride on snowboard was replaced by highlining, which I literally fell into and for several years practically did nothing else. Balancing over the chasm taught me not to panic and to keep my breath calm and a smile on my face despite the apparent danger. Paradoxically, going through a space that no one before you has gone before can be the shortest way.

With this experience, it was not so difficult to give up the stability of the corporate environment. So when our first-born son came, I founded my own company, which specializes in publishing my own games. Since then, both the games in the portfolio and the children at home have grown, so I have someone to look forward to every day after working in the workshop. One day they will definitely beat me in my games!

Why am I a board game creator and how do I make it?

Sometimes a topic catches my attention to such an extent, that I cannot sleep until the game mechanism is done, including a combination of various components and other parameters. It is not a pleasant process, because I cannot stop it and I cannot sleep at all. However, the result of these sleepless nights is a quantity of ideas for years in advance. Thanks to this important impulse, I started to devote myself the games fully.

Do I know a board game background and community?

When I was a teenager, I used to attend a game club regularly. Thanks to the club I got to know about the first planned Czech Championship in Carcassonne. I won the championship and I have defended the title five times during the next ten years. Apart from that I gained silver three times. Thanks to this experience, I took part in world tournaments where I was placed in a TOP10. Instead of winning money, I used to win the board games, so my room was literally full of the games from various authors and publishers. I had to even organize a board game sale, so that I could have enough place in my room.

How do you get to know my games?

Literally with all senses! Games from the MATY MOVES-series are completely made of wood, they are pleasant to the touch, they smell wonderful and every piece is unique thanks to the natural pattern. The main parts of the box are blank on purpose, so that you can enjoy the beauty of wood. Thereby arises an opportunity to put some dedication, logo or initials on the box – simply any other pattern according to your wishes. Which option would you choose?